Sunday, January 10, 2010

It's Safe To Say...

That I am hoping for a boy. Not that I don't have every intention of putting all of them (except the "Little Brother") on a girl if that's what we have, but if I'm being honest then I'm going to admit that I head straight for the adorable Rock'N'Roll and Skull stuff in the boys department every time I enter a store.
In an effort to track my progress and show off the cute new shirt Joe bought me, I had him take a few shots of me this afternoon.

We didn't get a very good "belly" shot outside, so here's another effort.
For lunch we hit up our favorite Souplantation. I played with Joli's hair while we were in line to entertain us both.
I very rarely do my hair and make-up anymore so it just seems appropriate to document it.
Another nice day just being a family.

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