Sunday, January 3, 2010

A Quick New Year's Trip

Joe got a wild hair on Tuesday and decided we needed to drive up to Redding for New Year's. So we spent most of Tuesday rushing around trying to get our stuff ready and spending some more time with Brianna before we dropped her off at home. Zeus didn't think she should leave.

Brody has gotten a little too big for his crate but we haven't had the funds to by a new one. So our solution was to not shut the door to the crate all the way while we were driving to give him a little more stretch room. Which meant that every time we stopped he had to check out what was going on.

There were a few "run and play in a field" stops. It was great for both dog and child.

Finally we made it up and enjoyed some more time with family.

Sam and Ashley just got a Wii system so that was pretty much ALL that was done while we were visiting.

We had a few meals out and since it was New Year's, those that could, had a few drinks.

Joli needed to show us her celebratory Shirley Temple.

New Year's Eve was mostly just spending time with family and friends.

We were somewhat unsure about this strange wet substance that kept falling from the sky.

It was really fun having another preggo to share some ice cream with! Most of the time we were there the boys would just look at us when it came to decide where we would go eat. They had given up on making suggestions.
Now that we're home our day is mostly consisting of unpacking and putting away Christmas. Joli has been enjoying her new baby doll Ergo. I found it online last week and bought it for her so she can pretend she's mommy and will understand when I start carrying around our new baby! She loves it!
Here she shows us how one would take care of three babies.


kacie said...

I LOVE the Ergo... the 3 dollies in it is priceless! Can't wait to see you guys tonight!

Anonymous said...

She'll be a pro in no time. Ready made babysitter :). Your belly is looking beautiful.

Laume said...

Three babies! Let's hope that's not a portend!

Laume said...

Oh, and the photo of me with my drinks is horrible!