Monday, January 18, 2010

Yep, She's Such a Girl!!

I guess I have learned the hard way that if you try really really hard to get your child to be one way, they're most likely going to be the opposite. For the first year of Joli's life I just about did every thing in my power to make sure she was never too girly and only wore pink on a special occasions. That seems to have back-fired.
Today was her first day of ballet classes. She's been talking about them for weeks. This weekend we went to get her a dress and shoes and even though they had some really awesome black ones she just HAD to have pink.

We didn't put on the shoes until we got there and then she wanted to make sure I got a good picture of them.
Parents aren't allowed in the class because we're too distracting, but there's a window that we get to watch through.
Kacie and I just couldn't get over how little Joli was next to the other girls. I always think of her as being so big!

Kacie and Charlotte came to see her first class and even Charlotte thought it was so cool!

I'm going to go ahead and say that based on the conversation Joli and I had in the car, ballet and Disneyland are fighting for first place in the "best things she's ever done in her life" category.


Allison said...

What ballet studio are you taking her to? I want to get Emily enrolled!

Laume said...

Awwwwwwwwwww, so cute!

Laume said...

Although, on your post title "Yep, She's Such a Girl!!!", I'd like to point out that this is a rather sexist attitude. After all, Joli's UNCLE also took ballet. He didn't wear pink, he wore black, but still, he liked ballet. And Mikhail Barishnikov - hello, totally studly ballet dancer.

Belita Rose said...

No, totally not the ballet part. More of the "Every thing I touch must be pink" part. The ballet part is kind of just the icing.