Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Movie Quote Game

So I'm not very good at answering these, but I can come up with some quotes. My MIL is doing this game on her blog too. Don't forget to leave your guesses to which movie you think they're from in the comments!

1. "I used to have a radio, but I slammed it against the wall when I couldn't figure out where the batteries went. I know now I was suffering from Premenstral Syndrome."

2. "50,000 men died here on this field, fighting the same fight that we're still fighting amongst ourselves."

3. "Is this your idea of small talk? Because if it is, your social skills need some work."

4. "Two big guys dropped you off about ten minutes ago, told me to look after you. Want some coffee? You look like you could use some."

William got it! It's from XXX!

5. "Well I never would have thought of that."
"Clearly you've never been to Singapore."

6. "That elk-snout mountain man is still working on my closet. Sweating all over the place."

Laume got it! It's Overboard!

7. "Okay now rub them together. Now we're blood brothers for life."

8. "The guys really go for it, and that's how I got my nick name, Frenchy."
"Sure it is."

9. "I can't believe it. I've never seen so many books in all my life."
"You, you like it?"
"It's wonderful!"
"Then it's yours!"

Laume said Beauty and the Beast!

Okay good luck!!!!


Laume said...

Ooh! Ooh! I know a couple of them!

#6 is from Overboard
#9 is from Beauty and the Beast

Laume said...

Don't forget to add William's correct guess of XXX for #4.

W&MGrad said...

#8 Has got be from GREASE!

Deb R said...

#8 is definitely from Grease.

The only other one I even have a guess on (and it is a guess!) is #3 - is it from As Good As It Gets?

Janet said...

#5 is Captain Jack Sparrow, from Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl :-)

#7 is from My Girl; I LOVED that movie!