Saturday, March 22, 2008

Recently Discovered Beauty

Although we have only lived in this house for about a year and a half. I still don't remember these flowers ever being here. Yet every afternoon, when the sun is shining behind us, I've notices these vibrant flowers growing on the hill. They're so pretty. Joe says he doesn't remember them being there last year either. But we did have a new baby, maybe we just didn't notice. But I'm sure I would have nocticed something so beautiful. In any case, I just thought I would share the breath taking view off my patio.

1 comment:

Laume said...

I think you were just sleep deprived with a new baby because I remember commenting on the flowers on the hill last spring. Maybe they just weren't as vibrant or as large a patch or something - or maybe you napping during the time the sun was hitting them?