Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Clean Dry Cookies!!!

I should begin by saying that I do not frequently make and decorate cookies while I am visiting my in-laws. I don't do this very often because the first and only time that I decided to spend HOURS making and decorating beautiful cookies with intricate details, I left them on the counter over night. While they were sitting there on the counter so very innocently, just waiting for their family to get up and indulge in their delicious yumminess, some of the creatures in the house decided that they would beat us to it. Now that in itself would be slightly upsetting, except the previously said creatures decided that they do not in fact enjoy sugar cookies. So in an attempt to relay this message to me, they then decided to pee all over all but two of them. Now my sweet husband, in an attempt to prevent any signs of waterworks, thought that he could salvage these two lonely cookies, and that perhaps I might forget what they had been sitting next to just moments before. In the end I chose not eat the very close to being called "public toilet" cookies. So here we are almost three years later and I began to consider the idea of possibly making and decorating cookies once again. Perhaps it was just the Christmas holiday that they did not like. Maybe Halloween cookies will be okay. I was still a little nervous, and even after I was reassured that this had never happened before or since my beautiful masterpieces were mistaken for a litter box, I was not sure I wanted to spend that much time on something that clearly was not meant to be. In the end I was convinced that once I was done I could cover the new shiny cookies and put them in the pantry behind a closed door, away from any animals. So I did. I made these very nice and might I say, Delicious cookies!
I did it!! Yay Me!! Clean and Dry!!!

I also made some very cute baby cookies!! These are not decorated as it would have taken a lot more effort than I was willing to put in and then I would be much less likely to give them to the baby I made them for. But they are still quite yummy.

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