Tuesday, October 23, 2007

I Forfeit

In a sad turn of events, my cookies were cruelly knocked onto the floor of the pantry, causing me to believe that I should never again make an effort to make and decorate sugar cookies. It was somewhat suiting to my mood today. Although I did have fun going to the tea room, and walking around the cool shops uptown, I was still somewhat in a funk. I think it might have had something to do with worrying about the fires down by our house and how our friends are doing. Then there was the whole dealing with screaming child all day! Not sweet little baby, screaming, pick me up and hold me all day or I will scream at the top of my lungs, child! I don't know if she misses her daddy, or if she's picking up on my tension, but I was ready to throw her out in the yard and leave her there all day. In the end, I settled for spending most of the day out and about, where said child is happy about looking at the people and things that are going on around her. No picture though, just my little note about crazy child, and poor sad cookies!!

1 comment:

Laume said...

Just for the record - it was Papa who knocked the cookies down. The cats were in no way responsible for the cookie doom.