Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Oh The Road Again

Well the last few days have been a mad frenzy of different houses, gas stations, and front seat diaper changes. But we have finally arrived and we don't have to drive anymore!!! Yipee!! The first day we drove to my mom's and watched my sister's soccer game! It was pretty fun. The we went to my friend Jessica's for a few days and hung out with her. Then this morning we got up and drove through rain and snow to finally make it here!!! Now we're just relaxing and hoping to be able to sleep at night!

This is Joli right before we left on our long journey. Notice the all pink!!

These are our tired shoes after a long day of exploring Sacramento!

1 comment:

Laume said...

We'll try to keep the all night partying down to a dull roar so you can sleep. Hehehe.