Thursday, January 10, 2008

The Doodlebops!!

I had a brilliant idea today! I decided that since Joli was doing nothing but laying on the couch and watching TV, that I would go get her a DVD of her favorite show The Doodlebops. Little did I know that it would end up being a genious idea! Joli was so excited that she climbed up on the coffee table with her DVD box, and started rocking out immediately! I don't know why I didn't think of this sooner. I actually made lunch, an entire meal, and was able to put it on the table, without having her come in crying even once!!!! It was amazing! She danced and played and sang along to the music without me having to be there! Now I'm not one to put my kid in front of a movie to entertain them, but when they've been sick for two days, and you haven't taken a crap without them on your lap (yeah think about that), sometimes you just need to pop in a DVD! So here is a happy baby! (FINALLY!!!!)

Then after and entire bowl of chicken noodle soup, she was exhausted from all the dancing, and crashed!
Awww, so peaceful! Joli is too!

1 comment:

Laume said...

Awwwww, even sick she's too cute for words. Glad she finally ate something. HOpefully she's on the mend.