Sunday, January 6, 2008

Faerie Imaginative

While browsing a fun shop this Christmas vacation, I came across an adorable idea for decorating a photo album. I decided that since I have SOOOOOOO many Faerie Festival pictures, that I would do something like this instead of scrap booking all those pictures.
So I found an album at Wal Mart that I thought would be a good background, and then ordered my pictures. The pictures haven't come yet, but I decided that I wanted to go ahead and decorate the album anyway. This is how it started out.
After three or four hours of work, this is how it came out.

This is the binding.

The back cover.

The inside front cover.

The inside back cover.
Now I just have to wait for my pictures to get here. I actually had to be kind of picky as this album only holds 200 photos! It wasn't too hard though. I just didn't order the blurry ones. Now I feel very productive and I think I might just sleep. Ta-ta!