Sunday, January 27, 2008

No More Vacation

We have a few more pictures of our lovely vacation, but we are finally home!!! This is of the little girls playing an organ together. They had such a great time with their little duet.
But being a master composer is exhausting, and sometimes you just need to lay down for a while.
On our way home I decided to stop at Staples because I saw they had a really good digital camera on sale for only $99!! Since I was still in Oregon that also meant no tax!! So now I have way better pictures!! Here's Joli and I in the car after we left Staples.
One of the best things Joli has for car rides is the DVD player my mom got for us for Christmas. I put on the Doodlebops and she's great for hours, or until she falls asleep.
The summer before last, Joe and I were very upset when we found out that Callahan's Lodge, where we had got married, had burned down. When we drove through last summer I stopped to take some pictures of what remained and what they were working on. It was very sad.
But I was completely stoked when I drove through this trip to see how much progress they have made!! It's so exciting!! Maybe by this summer we'll be able to stop and have lunch!!! (Joe and I are going to stay a few nights for our 5th anniversary, but that's not until next year.)
Joli has also enjoyed the new camera. Amazingly I have been taking more pictures than normal! I told Joli to say hi, but a wave is good enough.
Another great surprise we had when we got home was that Joe was only a few hours away! We hadn't expected him until tomorrow so Joli and I were both over the moon when we got to pick him up. Joli smiled and laughed the whole way home, and made sure to tell me "Dada" several times!
We love to see everyone, but we're so happy to be in our own house and to get sleep in our beds. (Joli's back in the crib!) We'll miss everyone but it's going to be so nice to stay home for a while!

1 comment:

Laume said...

I like the photo of the two girls playing the organ, and Joli waving - cute. They've really got a lot done on the Lodge!

Joli looked very happy to see her daddy - Joe looked very tired. Talk to you tomorrow.