Tuesday, January 29, 2008

New Album

I decided I would make an album for my cousin Cassaundra. I have a ton of pictures of Joli and Kieya playing together, and a ton of pictures of Cassaundra and Chris' wedding, so I figured why not put them in an album and send it to them. So I ordered the pictures and then decorated an album for them. I think it turned out pretty good, just keep in mind there's going to be a picture on it once I get it.

I did purple and white this time because those were the colors of their wedding. I hope they like it. I also put their wedding invitation on the inside cover, and a little something extra on the back cover. I didn't put up a picture of the inside cover though, because it has all their personal information.


Laume said...

Cute! You didn't tell me about this post. I'm sure she/they will love it.

Anonymous said...

Hey Lisa,
Have you ever done online scrapbooking. It's something new I am into. I did a book for Diesel's who first year it took me a lot of hours but its so fun. You can still be creative and it cost about the same if not cheaper. I am going to start doing it as gifts. A very easy one is mypublisher.com and the one I love is creativememories.com. They haave a ton more layouts for free and you can interchange them. Let me know what you think