Sunday, January 13, 2008

My Quilt

I will begin by saying that I was a blanket baby. I pick a blanket that I love and I use it until it is no more. So when I still lived with my mom I found a blanket in the hall closet that I really liked. I'm not sure who made it, but I liked. The problem now is that I have loved it to death. Fortunately I have learned how to quilt since my last quilt passed away, and I have the ability to resuscitate this new one. So here it is before I started this project.

Keep in mind that there is no actual white fabric; that would be batting. I still love the quilt. It's actually the backing that is so soft and I love to cuddle up with it. So I decided I would just make a new top for it and quilt it on. After a few days of work, this is what I've come up with.

I wanted to put in all the fabrics I have that are my favorite or mean something to me. I put in some that are from parts of some of Joli's receiving blankets. I put in one San Diego fabric, polka dots that I like, cherries, faeries, and then some blocks that I made a while ago and finally decided to use. Joli whined most of the time, but she had a good time playing in all my fabrics as I threw them on the floor. Her favorite thing to do is put on my headbands like they are scarves and walk around the house with them on. This was the very first thing she did when we got back from vacation. I think she feels pretty. Who knows?

1 comment:

Laume said...

That striped background looks fantastic!
The striped scarves look pretty cute on that little walking doll too.