Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Day of Rest

So we finally stayed home today. We started out the day with a good breakfast.
Then went out to hang some laundry. I've recently brought the wagon and the toy box full of balls out of storage, and Joli has been loving it! Here she is trying to figure out the seats on the wagon.
Here are my two children, who have both decided to openly defy me now that their father is gone! Joli loves Kota, but she's always very cautious when they are in close proximity to each other. Kota has a tendency to knock her over and whack with his tail when he's excited, which is just about every time he sees her!
Joli decided that this staying home thing was not going to work for her, so she went and found the chain for Kota so we could leave.
Kota didn't go for it.
Eventually she gave up and decided to see how many times she could wrap the chain around herself.
After lunch I decided it was time to put up my caution tape! Isn't it so cool!? I wanted to put up some yellow ribbon for Joe, but since we're a little short on cash I decided this will have to do for now.
Once the sheets were washed and I had remade the bed, I realized that Joli and I had both made an attempt to fill the void in the bed.
I picked the giant body pillow, Joli picked the four monkeys.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love you babe the caution tape is just insane, lol.