Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Small Things I'll Miss

Joe is officially gone now. He didn't leave until later in the day so we were able to spend at least half the day with him, and that was nice. It gave us an opportunity to say our good byes at home, and not look like blubbering idiots in front of his entire platoon. Joe and I did okay. Joli made a big pouty lip, wobbled her chin, and clung tightly to Joe's neck. Joe tried to tell her goodbye and she said "No" over and over. Once our eyes started to fill up we kissed each other, I pulled Joli off of Joe, and we said good bye.

A few weeks ago I started taking pictures of things that only occur in our household when Joe is here. I decided not to put up the pictures of his underwear in the middle of the floor, or the toilet paper sitting on top of the toilet paper holder, but I thought this picture was adorable.

Joe was trying to dry his boots before he left and I absentmindedly put Joli's diapers out to dry right next to them. It was just so sweet and made me teary to think that it won't happen again for awhile.

Joe was very annoyed, but when am I going to get to see him laying in bed again? By the way that's Joli's blanket that I made for her, not Joe's.
Here's a nice picture of the two of us getting ready for bed. I'm going to miss that.
This morning we woke up a little earlier than usual and just layed in bed for awhile. Joli was a little bit annoyed, mornings are just not her thing

Since Joe started getting his tattoo he's been taking showers about four times a day to wash it. I'm going to miss that too! I hope he figures out how to wash it over there. I love you babe!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love you babe