Friday, September 19, 2008

Day One and the Never-Ending Turtle

Well here we are on day one and there's already some drama. Our turtle, Henry, escaped about two months ago. Joe and I had both pretty much given up hope that he was ever going to be found again. Until today. Kota has been digging in a particular spot for about two days and apparently he was digging to Henry. I think Henry thought he was going to hybernate, and Kota seemed to disagree. Needless to say, here's Henry!!
Last night Kacie came over to keep us company on a lonely first night and brought us these! Aren't they so pretty!?! Joli kept saying "My flower, my flower!" I let her have one, which they dog tried to eat and it ended up in the vase with all the others anyway.
Then we put on some music and Joli did her "I might just take ballet" dance, with her hands in the air and an attempt at a spin on one foot.
This morning Joe called to tell us he had arrived, and since we were up, we decided to go to a playdate/brunch with some friends from Moms and Tots. While we were there, the kids discovered that some ducks had migrated into the pool!

So I guess we won't be too lonely. We'll certainly miss Joe, but we'll be busy, busy, busy!

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