Monday, September 1, 2008

Daddy Luv Munky

Since Joe only has a few more weeks at home, we decided that now was a good time to head over to Build-A-Bear to make Joli a Daddy Bear. We gave Joli a choice between three animals that she seemed to have an interest in. She chose the monkey. Then it was time to get the voice recorder. Joe recorded "I love you Joli, I miss you". Then we stuffed monkey. Joe and Joli were thoroughly fasinated by this process.
After monkey was all stuffed we picked out an outfit for him. Since he was representing Daddy, Joe picked out a uniform for him.
Once monkey was dressed, Joe went to set up his birth certificate. We had a hard time coming up with a name and trying to distract Joli from messing with every thing in the store. So off the tops of our heads we created "Daddy Luv Monky".Joli was very happy as we left the store and refused to put Daddy Luv Monky in the box. She carried him all the way to the car and even cried when Joe suggested putting him in the box.
Daddy carrying a baby, carrying her new baby.
Once we got home Joli loved her monkey and played the voice recorder over and over.
There was even some kisses. I just hope this monkey is magic and can help us out with the next seven to eight months!

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