Saturday, October 18, 2008

Halloween Spooktacular!

Joli and I went to Sea World with Kacie today. We finally got to check out the new Sesame Street Bay of Play and Joli loved it! Here she is on a spinning starfish, and let me just say that if you know me then you will know that this was a huge sacrifice on part as I HATE things that spin!
We got into another line that was for the flying Elmo fish. Basically like the flying dumbos at Disneyland but Elmo fish instead. While waiting I told Joli to stand in front of the shark and I would take her picture. So she backs her little booty up right into the mouth and then turns around! It was awesome!
Here we are on our flying Elmo fish! Joli thought it was great! I was a little nervous because our experience with the flying Dumbos was aweful, but it's been six months and Joli wasn't trying to jump out to get to her daddy this time, so we actually enjoyed the ride.
This ones a little fuzzy but you can obviously see how much Joli loved the rocking boat ride.
There was also this wonderful little padded play area for the kids that were too small to go through the massive play structure. Joli was a total wild child. Here she is attacking a padded block.
Some sweet little girl created a block tower and here is what Daddy's Girl did to it.
About halfway through her little play session, Joli discovered that if she fell backwards it wouldn't hurt, so she would start out with this adorable little "look what I can do" smile. . .And then splat! Apparently other children thought this was amusing as well.
Here is a picture of me trying to get a nice picture and Joli not cooperating, again. I wanted to show off the sling that I bought a few weeks ago. I love it! It's my new alternative to a stroller. This way Joli can run around when we go somewhere but I don't have to chase her and push a stroller. Then we she gets tired I just scoop her up into this thing and it doesn't hurt my arms or my back at all. I love it!
Here we are getting ready to leave. Like most children Joli was so thrilled to see the giant Otter, but then as soon as he wanted a hug she gave her infamous little "No!" and backed away. Typical.
Here we are at Target afterward. Our pregnant Kacie was in some desperate need for Pizza Hut, and since there was one in the Target close by we figured why not? I realized as we were walking in that Joli has her "Sad Days" just like I do. Apparently today was one of those days when she needed just a little more love, and this is who went with us to fill that void.

1 comment:

Miss Elena said...

i dont blame her for backing away.
im still terrified of things in costumes. You don't know who's in there, and the mascot at our school grabbing my butt last year didn't help!