Sunday, October 12, 2008

Summer's Past Pumpkins

Kacie and I took Joli out to Summers Past today to enjoy their pumpkin festival. They had one of those big bounce houses and face painting and of course pumpkins. Joli was less than enthusiastic about the picture taking in fact this is our "posed" picture.
At first she just simply turned her back on me, and then when I got her turned around she threw the pumpkin she was holding onto the ground. Thanks kid. She did however pose nicely with me.
It takes a lot of energy to move pumpkins all over the patch, so Joli found herself a nice seat.
Here is a picture that I thought would a make a somewhat cute card. You can't read the whole word, but it's so cute watching her stack the pumpkins!
So I'm pretty sure I've seen a live turkey before, but Joli and I were both taken off gaurd at these enormous birds!
The trees always facinate me too. I can't wait til she's old enough to climb them!
Of course the wonderful staff had candy on hand and who can resist this beautiful little face!?!
We had a great time looking at pumpkins and then did a little shopping afterwards for Kacie, whose growing belly needed more room, and Joli, whose growing legs were also running out of space! Tonight she demonstrated how much of a big girl she truely is by wearing underwear all evening. I'm still not pushing the issue of potty training, but I ran out of diapers and since Joli does get the idea of not peeing in her underwear I figured it was worth a shot.
Doesn't she just look so cute in her little undies?! She actually did really well. She peed once in the beginning of the evening and she really didn't like that, but then she pooped later and our lovely dog ate it when she took off her underwear to sit on the potty! Thanks again Joe!
I didn't really have very high expectations by I figure she didn't do too bad for wearing underwear for four hours!

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