Monday, November 10, 2008

A Changing House

Since Kota is mostly confined to the kitchen I've had to do some work to the house and one thing has kind of led to another. Today I worked on the office.
I took down all the junk on the shelf and actually put up books. I've organized the office and now I have boxes placed in the spots where the book shelves are going to go for the books to go right on them.

Yesterday I pulled all the weeds in the backyard and mowed the grass. It was actually the first time I've mowed the backyard since Joe's been gone. It was such a cool day that I ended up doing the front yard too!
Kota is going crazy being stuck in the kitchen, but he's not supposed to run around and this is as small a place I can stick him in.
I moved the table out of the kitchen last night so Kota has some more space and so Joli and I can eat without having a head on our plates. It actually doesn't look too bad.
Stay tuned for more changes!


Laume said...

Outrageous! What is the meaning of this - Joli is only in ONE of the photos! Unacceptable! I require MORE adorableness per post!

Laume said...

Annoying Joli photo scarcity aside, I really like the way you redid the office. The books and the extra color in the couch and chair really make it warmer and more inviting. More "substantial" or settled looking. It will look great once you get those extra shelves. And you're right, the dining room looks fine there for now although I'm sure you'll be glad to get it back in the kitchen. Now it just makes the living area look sort of "studio" like.