Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Busy Day

Markus has discovered the recycle bin and enjoys taking things out of it!
Brianna came down to visit for the week! The kids were super excited to see her!

I had a soccer game tonight but before we made it there, we made a stop to see Little Bear and Robyn at the local bar and grill! They were celebrating that they're getting married on Saturday!!! Yay!!! Can't wait! Markus went straight to Little Bear and hung out with him and talked with the guys most of the time! He loves having guys around!

1 comment:

Laume said...

The photo of Markus and Little Bear - Markus looks so much like Joe!!! And the pics of Brianna - I haven't seen a pic of her in quite a while - she's grown into the perfect even combination of both her parents! Did you get to play much at your soccer game?