Friday, April 22, 2011

Slumber Party!

Joli's been trying to sleep in the living room with Brianna. She did one night. Yesterday Charlotte came over to spend the night so Kacie and Chris could have a much needed night out! Of course the first thing they wanted to do is watch a movie!

I set up a tea party on the porch for them and they were super excited! Charlotte LOVED putting sugar in her tea.

When I told Joli is was time for the tea party, she yelled "Hold on! I have to get dressed up first!".

After they were done with their tea, they took turns on the swing.

Once Markus was up from his nap, I got every one to go outside before I had to start dinner. The kids had a great time jumping with Brianna!

Markus was excited to have the playhouse all to himself.

I finally found him some shoes that fit yesterday! He looks like such a big boy in them!

Markus is totally in to his tongue lately! He's constantly playing with it!

Joli had to practice her balance.

Charlotte and Markus are learning to play well together.

Since no one was on the trampoline, Markus seized the opportunity.

Then the big kids got on again. So Markus found something else to play with.

Markus wanted to get in the sandbox, but I didn't feel like cleaning sand out of his diaper.

Then we went inside for some spaghetti!

Which meant that they all needed a bath!

Such a fun night!!


Laume said...

That photo of Joe... er, I mean Markus, in the playhouse. Sorry, I thought he looked more like you but I was wrong. Totally Joe in that photo. I'll have to see if I can find the corresponding photos of Joe that remind me of it. And his hair is curling btw. Mwahahahaha!

Laume said...

Oh, and cute tea party. :)