Sunday, January 4, 2009

A Whirlwind!

Tonight we got to have dinner with my sister-in-law, Noel, and her ever-growing family. This is my newest little nephew, Nikolai, with his Grammi's hat on.
Here he is bright-eyed and the happy boy that he always is!
When we got there I pretty much just picked him up and held on to him as much as I could. I kept telling him I had to hold him because the next time I see him he will probably be running!All the older kids ran off into the arcade. I went in to check on what was going on and found all six of the older children, including my own, huddled in the corner checking out the quarter machines.
Here is a nice group shot from the left; Garrett, Lilyanna, Joli, Kami holding Nikolai, Joshua, and Anastasia.
Joli and Anastasia seemed to get along pretty well all alone in the arcade while the other kids ate dinner. I went and checked on them once and they seemed to be searching for treasures on the floor.
The group made a trip back by the house to open their Christmas presents. They got another broom just like Joli's and Joli made a point of reminding Garrett which one was hers. Anastasia wasn't quite sure what to make of Joli.
I felt like I received a very special treatment tonight. Anastasia rarely smiles at people, much less in pictures. Not only did I get several smiles and acknowledgements, but I also got a picture with a smile!!! So cute!!
It was a short visit, but it was so fun to see all the kids. It's hard to believe that in all the group shots, all but one went home with Noel! She's a saint!

1 comment:

Miss Elena said...

Noel looks like she's got her hands full. Luckily some of them are older though. Anna looks so big!