Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Just Visiting

Joli and I still haven't felt much like running around, but we've been enjoying Aunt Karen's beautiful house. Joli was out picking berries first thing this morning. At least she ate some breakfast first.
Brody has also loved having a great big yard to run in.
And helping Joli with the berries.
I was thrilled yesterday when Paige went through all her clothes and got rid of two big garbage bags worth! After she was done I went through them and now I have several new outfits!!
This evening the family all came over for a BBQ. Grandpa took the kids on several "nature walks" that mostly included eating the different kinds of fruits in the orchard.
The boys are still a little frightened of Brody but only when he's running past them. So he had to stay with my while they went on their walk.
Here they all are up in the apple trees.
My mom found this Belle doll at a yard sale and Joli has not let go of it since! She loves watching Belle spin while the music plays.
We pretty much let the kids have their choice of any desserts they wanted. The boys mostly just nibbled, but by the time I cut Joli off she had had two ice cream cones and two cupcakes!
Every one got a kick out of watching Joli lick the ice cream off her face so as not to waste any!
Joli thought the empty bird bath was the perfect place to watch Belle dance.
After everyone went home it was finally cool enough for us to use the hot tub!
It felt so great!!
Off to see more family!

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