Monday, August 17, 2009

More Weekend

Joli found one of Joe's backpacks, put it on, and told Joe that she's "Daddy Joli".
Joe and Joli spent a lot of quality time together yesterday afternoon. Joli wanted Joe to play play-doh with her and I had no idea how talented he is in that department!
Joe's also the master of fort building. Joli is so lucky to have such an amazing daddy!

I wanted brownies super-bad so I had Joli help me with them.
She was an amazing helper.
Brownie batter is apparently too irresistible.
While Joe and Joli were playing, this is what I was doing!
The whole area was covered in weeds and I pulled it all up and planted some pretty mini roses! I'm so excited. Cross your fingers that they live.
Earlier today I went over to Kacie's to water her plants for her found that her tomato plants had gotten HUGE. So I picked off all the ones that were shriveled or ripe, only leaving the green and almost ripe ones. There were so many that I didn't quite know what to do with them, but after throwing away the bad ones I went and picked some of my basil and mixed it in with the tomatoes and some fresh mozzarella, and it became a very delicious salad!


Anonymous said...

yeah me and the little one had fun.

Miss Elena said...

That looks so yummy!!