Sunday, August 23, 2009

Swimming, Birthday Party, and Charlotte!

Yesterday was a mildly busy day with a BBQ and swimming party. Joli had a wonderful time swimming with Joe, Brianna and I.
Today was our friend Isabella's birthday. They had an awesome party complete with a giant bounce house.
There was also a wonderful clown that did face painting. Here's the birthday girl.
Joli did a wonderful job holding still and some beautiful face paint.
Uncle Little Bear had a wonderful bouncing with all the girls.
The birthday girl was all about the birthday suit and a tutu. I think it's a fabulous outfit!
There was also a lot of bubbles which the girls thought should be used as bathwater.
Who says kids are the only ones that get to have fun?!
Our quiet little child had a wonderful time being a princess.
The clown was amazing with the girls!! She entertained the three two-year-olds for at least 45 minutes! Not one of them moved!
Then they moved on to music and the girls went nuts with the drums.
Isabella was so adorable. She looked like a tiny sumo wrestler in her bloomers!
The cake was an amazing ice cream cake. It was so yummy!
One of Isabella's birthday presents was this awesome doll house. It was so simple yet so perfect for these little girls. I see one in Joli's future!
The girls were so sweet with baby.
As always, boys will be boys. Joe, Jonas, Little Bear, and Justin almost couldn't wait for the kids to give up the jumper!
I would say I was worried that someone would get hurt, but I'm so used to it now.
Once they were all done there were remarks about how out of shape they all are. Aren't they supposed to be some kind of superheros?
This Potato Head was so neat. It came with two regular sized Potato Heads and two baby Potato heads, and then a ton of pieces to match. It was so fun to play with!
I can't believe that I have the girliest of girls. Joli was just loving the doll house.
Until she found the plastic drill that is. I think I need to investigate who she's been spending time with and what she's been watching!
Eventually she understood the proper use for a drill.
Leave it to the two-year-olds to come up with a fun new way to play with Potato Head!
After we left the birthday party we headed over to Chris and Kacie's because we just missed them so much!! Baylie and Brody finally got to meet. It will take time but eventually they will be best friends!
Charlotte doesn't seem to have grown a ton but she does seem to be doing a lot more. She still loves me though!
One of the things I'm most impressed by is how well she's starting to sit up. Kacie said she's only been doing this for about two days, but what a big girl!!
Joli was thrilled to have her surrogate family back, and to be back into all the fun things Kacie has to play with.

We're so happy they are home and I just love hugging on Charlotte again!

1 comment:

GG said...

That last picture of Joli reminds me so much of Lisa!!