Thursday, August 20, 2009

Typical Day

We went to the beach for 45 minutes today. Brody stepped up as gaurd dog.
They both dug holes.
Brody decided Joli was too slow.
Eventually he took over completely.
Joli almost got buried.
So she moved on to simpler things.
About five minutes later Brody started doing a happy dance and plowed into Joli causing a bloody nose. So we went home.
Joe's only been working halfdays this week so we've had the wonderful benefit of his presence. Tonight Joli talked us both into playing in her room. She wanted to play dress-up.
Joe's costume was the best!
I loved mine!
The pimp and his princess.
I thought I looked like a Doodlebop?
Then we all took turns doing a cheer. Joli's was "Mommy. Daddy. Joli. YAY!!

1 comment:

Danielle said...

haha.. You totally look like a Doodlebop! Too Fun!!