Saturday, August 29, 2009

Wild Fun

Yesterday, Joli and I made an effort to beat the heat, and met one of my good friends that I used to work with at the day care center, with and her two little girls. We met at the Wild Animal Park in the little spray area. Joli enjoyed watching the balloon ride.

Yes that is my child getting sprayed by the alligator in her private parts!
Our friend's little girl was very sweet and let Joli drag her around the spray area.
Isn't she a sweety?
They had such a great time together. The girls are only a few months apart and have been playing together since they were babies!
There were a ton baby animals at the park. These two baby elephants were adorable.
Once it started to get incredibly hot we decided to head towards the exit, but not before a quick ride on the carousel.
This morning Zeus decided to start exploring new heights.
Joe was so sweet and got me a massage today. Part of my afternoon to myself included a little shopping and I found and amazing deal on a bed frame, complete with head and foot board! It's so weird to not have our mattress on the floor anymore! It's been that way our entire relationship!

1 comment:

kacie said...

Oh yay I was hoping there would be
a picture of the bed!!!! It looks great!