Saturday, February 19, 2011

Bad Blogger

I've just been racking up pictures this whole week and here are some of the best.

This is the tree in our front yard.
Joli's been hanging out at Kacie's a bunch the past few days to try and give me a little break. Too bad Joli's the easy one! Markus is getting another tooth and boycotting sleep! Good thing he's cute!
Joli's such a sweet girl. I'm going to enjoy this stage as much as I can until she moves into another irritating phase.
We had pizza last night and all the kids loved it.

Charlotte helped with the salad.
It was so nice to hang out with the girls!
Every month or so an adorable "Dollie and Me" outfit crosses my path at a good price and I scoop it up for Joli. She just loves it!
This afternoon I took the kids to the circus. Joli couldn't wait to get her cotton candy.
Markus had a little snack with his candy.
The acrobats were Joli's favorite part, and there were a lot!
Markus thought the empty popcorn tub was awesome!
Markus' favorite part was the music and dancing. Mine was the motorcycles!!
Tonight we had dinner at Abby's!
Syrus and Joli have been playing amazingly well together.
Lilly and Charlotte... not so much.
Such a fun day!

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