Saturday, February 5, 2011


Kacie and Charlotte came home last night!!! Since it's a busy weekend for grocery shopping, they came over to our house for dinner tonight! We were so excited to see them! Joli hugged everyone and then pulled Charlotte into her room to play! They made it about ten minutes inside before Joli had them out in the backyard on the trampoline. Brody was equally as excited!
Charlotte was happy being on the trampoline as long as Kacie was holding on to her.
We got Charlotte to jump with Joli for a minute, until Joli jumped to high and they both fell down.
Then Charlotte would only jump with Kacie holding her. But she laughed hysterically the whole time!
We went inside to hang out. Charlotte was excited to play with all our toys.
Joli was as happy to take pictures as she usually is.
Markus wasn't feeling very good today. When he got up from his nap he was a little cranky but willing to play a little, until Charlotte took his cars and then it was all over.
Charlotte agreed to share with him, but he just pouted and wanted to be picked up.
We had such a great night seeing Kacie and Charlotte and we're so glad they're home!!!

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