Sunday, February 6, 2011

Super Sunday!

After spending the entire day being crabby and sleeping, Markus woke up at midnight last night and wanted to play. He was very fascinated by the snowflakes on my sheets.
I probably should have tried to get him to go back to bed but he was just so cute and sweet!!!

Eventually he started acting a little closer to being tired.
I finally got Markus to sleep right as Joli came in. We all slept pretty good and got up to go to a gymnastics fun day. Joli was so excited!
Markus was a little tired but still had fun.

Joli said "Take a picture to show daddy how strong I am".

We all got in the marshmallow pit together. Both the kids loved it!

Joli just keeps getting better and better.

We had an exciting game of peek-a-boo.
Then we made a quick stop at the farmer's market to get something to brighten up our lives. Have I mentioned how much I love the farmer's market?

We got two sets of flowers so that we could put one the table and one on the porch. Can you guess who picked each set?

Since the man of the house was once again out of the house, the little man watched the Super Bowl with me. We had some good snacks.
After awhile we headed over to Kacie's for dinner. Joli was so excited to have some other toys to play with, and Charlotte actually played with them just because Joli was. Charlotte didn't really like Markus playing(or chewing) with her toys. We're working on sharing again, with all three of them!
Markus loves dogs and Baylie is right at his level!
We brought some of the baby toys we borrowed back. Markus wasn't sure he wanted to give them up, while Charlotte was excited to see her old toys again.

Joli has been looking at my wedding album a lot and has started wanting to dress up like a bride, so she came up with a veil.
Then it moved into a warrior princess type outfit.
We brought Markus into the kitchen with us where he discovered the magnet barn.
Leave it to Joli to find something to dress up in! She was going through Charlotte's drawers!
Such a fun and busy day!

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