Friday, February 11, 2011

The Zoo, The Beach, and Dinner!

Every one was feeling a lot better this morning so we decided to to venture out to the zoo! I spent some time with the babies while Jess and Cole got ready to go. Braden loved Markus' crib.
Markus was about ready for a nap while we were getting ready, but I did my best to entertain him.
Joli and Cole were so excited to see the animals. They told us all the ones they wanted to see before we even got there.
One of the things they both wanted to see was the reptile house. Jess is terrified of snakes, but managed to walk through the whole thing!
Markus couldn't really see the snakes too well, so he just people watched.
Joli has no problem getting up close and personal with snakes. She always asks if they're a "bitey" snake or a "squeezy" snake. This one is a biter!
Before we left the reptiles we went over to check out the Kimono Dragon.
It took me a second to get Markus to see it since the dragon was sunbathing.
He did notice it after awhile.
We wanted to get a little bit of a walk in and hoped that Braden would fall asleep if we did. So we walked down one of the big hills to the bears.
Markus definitely noticed them.
Then we walked through a big area and once again Markus, Joli, and Cole, were fascinated!

Our goal was to make it to the polar bears. Once we did the kids were super excited! Joli talked about reading the big books most of the way up the HUGE hill.

I tried to get a picture of Joli and Cole with the seal, this was as good as it gets.
Ironically, after all the talk of wanting to see the polar bears, Jess and I were only ones that looked at the real polar bears.
Markus watched them a little.
Joli and Cole were mostly interested in all the things to play on.
We headed on to the elephant exhibit where they had replicas of prehistoric animals. Joli can't wait for Joe to come home and take her to the dinosaur museum to show her the real thing.
There were some huge elephant statues too.

Braden was pretty unhappy being in the stroller so Jess put him in the carrier and he was much happier.
One of my favorite animals to see is the jaguar. They're just so pretty.
We got to the elephant exhibit just in time to see them feeding one. The kids learned that her name is "Cha Cha", and had a great time saying "hi Cha Cha" and then watching her wave at them.
I tried to get a picture of Markus sleeping.... ooops!
There were some other fun animals to see too.
Braden didn't really want to go to sleep, just to be with his mommy.
It was taking forever to get out of the zoo and we really wanted to go eat, so it suddenly dawned on me to put the big kids in the double stroller and push them out. It was much better!
We finally made it to Coronado just in time to watch the sunset.

I taught Joli the sign for "I love you" a few weeks ago, so when I told her to take a picture for daddy, this is what she did.

No make up, but I did my hair!
Jess and her boys!

We walked to a small Italian restaurant in Coronado for some dinner, and got some crazy looks, as we were the only ones with children, much less four of them! We had a nice dinner though, and had some yummy cheesecake to celebrate Jess' birthday! Markus loved the spaghetti, as usual!
Then one of the worst moments of my entire life happened. As we were getting ready to leave, I went to put Markus in the carrier, he pushed off me, I got tangled in the carrier, and he slipped through my fingers, landing face first in one of the wooden high chairs. Luckily he didn't fall that far and came out with just a little scratch on his nostril and a bruise on the top of his nose. The triage nurse gave me some things to look out for over the next couple days, but said that overall she thinks he's just fine. When we got home he certainly acted fine. He just about jumped down and started playing with his toys, and was all but crawling all over the floor!
I am so thankful that Markus is okay, and after crying and kissing and hugging him a whole bunch, I think I might have calmed down a bit. Overall, it was a pretty wonderful day.

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