Thursday, March 3, 2011

A Busy, Busy Day

This afternoon I had a massage appointment, so the kids went over and played at Abby's. She said they all had a great time!

The kids watched a movie on the floor.
Markus tried to join them.
But he couldn't see very well, so he just kind of took over.
Then they all headed outside.
Syrus and Lilly got this awesome jumpy for Christmas!
After I picked up the kids we headed to soccer. Joli is already getting better from just a week ago!

She scored two goals today!
There isn't really any place for Markus to play next to the soccer field, so today he just kind of crawled around on the cement.

Markus is also a lot happier now that he can explore the house. He spent a good half hour playing on the dog bed this evening!
Another fun day tomorrow!

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