Sunday, March 27, 2011

New Discoveries

Markus figured out where his ears are a few months ago and now he just loves to play with them when he's tired! This is another adorable outfit that I had to have. It says "Professional Athlete" on the front, and "I only date models" on the back!
Markus loves to "pet" Juliet. We're really working on an open-handed pet, as opposed to grabbing and tugging her fur. Eventually she gets tired of letting him practice and then heads to higher ground.
Brody doesn't mind having Markus pet him though. The biggest problem with the two of them is getting Brody to stop licking Markus' face!
Joli is so in to writing and drawing these days. It's so fun to watch her learning so much!

I've been wanting to make a lemon-herb roasted chicken for about a week now, so I invited our friends over! Joli and Charlotte were very excited to play in the play house.
Markus just likes to crawl in and out of the playhouse.
One of the big attractions in the sand box! And since I took most of the balls out, the little kids couldn't wait to get in!
Charlotte and Markus actually did a pretty good job playing together.
Charlotte has started getting a little more brave about jumping on the trampoline, as long as there's no one else on it!
And she can hold on to the netting.
This is Markus' new way of asking to be picked up. It's so cute with the little "come get me" smile!
Before too long Abby and her kids showed up! Then Joli, Syrus, and Lilly spent over an hour on the trampoline!
Markus only ate a little sand tonight.
He used to be afraid of the ball pit, but apparently he got over it!

The little girls thought they should get in the balls too.
Then Markus was in and going wild kicking the balls.
The chicken was wonderful, and I even made a yummy peach cobbler! Such a delicious and fun night!

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