Sunday, March 6, 2011

Charlotte is Two!!!

Today we went out to Summer's Past for Charlotte's second birthday! I brought the wagon to put the food on and ended up being great for bringing in all the stuff from the car!
Charlotte couldn't wait for me to get all the stuff out so she could get in.
Markus was happy to see her.
Kacie asked me to make Charlotte a birthday sign, and of course I did!
Syrus is Charlotte's favorite person.

Joli had a great time dressing up.
Charlotte liked to help her.

Being two comes with lots of challenges, especially when it comes to sharing.
Charlotte was pretty sure we set up the food just for her, so she went ahead and ate off the serving utensils.

Joli tried to host a tea party. Eventually she figured out that it's pretty much a lost cause with a bunch of two year olds. She only cried once after one of them dumped out yet another pot of tea.

Charlotte enjoyed Joli's tea party.

Markus kept getting into everything before I even had the chance to stop him. So I just set him in the middle of the grass to give myself a little moment to clean a few things up.
He found me within a few minutes.
Soon it was time for cupcakes and Charlotte was excited.

Markus thought we were singing to him.
I'm not sure why the paper was so much more interesting than the cupcake.

"We're following the leader, the leader, the leader..."

Syrus and Joli play so nice together.

It was a successful and very fun birthday party!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great pictures Lisa!!! When did Joli get to be so big??/ And Marcus is just a doll...Keep telling Kacie that "payback" story, Charlotte is alot like her mommy was....uh oh
