Friday, March 25, 2011

Visiting Grandma and Grandpa!

Since Grandma and Grandpa are getting ready to head back to Oregon, I decided to take the kids over for a quick visit. Markus loved their mirror.
Our neighbor gave us this cute little kid mattress, and Joli couldn't wait to use it.

Markus just had to explore EVERYTHING!
For some reason I forgot to bring the pack and play, which ended up being almost a disaster. Markus couldn't calm down enough to lay down with us in the room, and since Joli was sleeping on the mattress on the floor, she couldn't go to sleep with Markus crawling over the top of her and pulling her hair.

Eventually I shut off the lights, and we just listened to Markus cry until he was calm enough to lay down next to me and sleep (around 11:30). Then of course they were both awake at 7am!! That was before grandma and grandpa! So we played in the casita for awhile.
Brody wanted to come in and play, but it was nice out, so he and Markus just played peek-a-boo.

Since the kids didn't get as much sleep as they're used to, they were both pretty whiny.
On our way to grandma and grandpa's, we stopped to get Joli some new markers and a notebook. She had a great time drawing pictures and writing about them.
Brody just loved being able to hang out with us all day. He and Joli explored the property, while Markus sat and considered if he wanted to crawl across the rocks.
He mostly preferred playing with and sampling them.

We got Joli a new pink soccer ball yesterday, and she couldn't to play with it. So I told her that I would play with her.
She liked "taking the ball away" and then dribbling down to the end and scoring. Hopefully she'll play just as well at this weeks game!

We had such a wonderful time seeing grandma and grandpa, and can't wait until they come back down!

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