Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Swimming and Hanging Out

Joli had swim lessons today. Part of her class is that as long as she works hard she gets to wear a pair of goggles. Well today she decided she was going to goof off and not try, so she got her goggles taken away. She was pretty bummed.
Markus and I decided to get in the pool while Joli was having her class. Markus is really into splashing at the moment.

Once Joli proved that she was going to try harder she got her goggles back.
Markus and I continued playing in the pool.
He's totally got kicking down now, it's totally hilarious. Instead of doing scissor kicks, he does kind of like a super fast frog swim!
We're working on standing. He kept trying to sit down on the tot dock. He was not understanding that the water would go over his head.
He likes to jump in, and now I have to watch him or he'll just bail right at me with no warning!

After Joli's class she came over and swam with us a little before getting out.

Markus is totally intrigued by the things his sister can do.
This afternoon Joli decided to have a party in her bathroom with all her dolls.
Markus spends most of his time sitting in the hallway, just waiting for someone to let him in Joli's room.

Eventually he gave up and decided to try and skype with daddy.
We made a stop at the store today to get some stuff for Joe's birthday box. Joli picked out something to make him and then couldn't wait to get home and do it. It'll just have to be a secret!

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