Wednesday, May 29, 2013

A Happy Day

Like most people, children have good days and bad days. It just seems that Markus' are on the extreme end of one or the other.  Today was a good day, in fact, a great day! This first picture was from last night. We were trying on costumes for the Faerie Festival, and all Markus wanted to do was put on his Max costume, then he refused to take it off and wore until bedtime!

 The first thing on our agenda today was to give Markus a hair cut. He told me that it was fluffy and I needed to cut it. I think it was making him sweat too much...

 Love the back of his head when he has hair!
 After about a half hour of me cutting and him watching cartoons on my phone, we were finally done.

 It was shorter than I had intended again, because he won't hold still, but at least this time there weren't patches!
 After we cleaned him up, we set to making Play-doh! Markus loved putting in all the ingredients.

 Came out pretty good!
 Then it was time to play with it!

 When I was working at the child development center about seven years ago (wow time flies!), my co-teacher, Tina, gave me the recipe for play-doh that I still use today!

 You know, because regular play-doh tools are boring.
 You should always use protective eye wear!

 When we were leaving to pick Joli up from school, Markus and I noticed that we're getting strawberry blooms!
 After picking up Joli, we had an ice tea party in the front yard.
 Since my chocolate mint plant is thriving, I thought I should add it to the tea. So yummy!
 Markus' car rug is finally clean, and he is thrilled to have it back!

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