Saturday, May 18, 2013

The Wonderful Hot Sun

Joli had a sleepover at Abby's last night, and since they were going to go swimming this morning, I knew there was no way Markus was going to be okay with picking her up there and not getting to swim. So we just planned to swim with them a little bit. Joli was happy to see us.
 Markus wasn't feeling very well, but he was happy to eat crackers and play with the kids anyway.

 Markus thought it was tons of fun to "train the doggies". Joli and Lilly were pretending to be doggies that doing tricks for crackers. So silly!

 We had also planned to meet Dave and his wife, Patty, for ice cream at the beach! As soon as I mentioned this to the kids they were ready to get out of the pool! Markus was very excited to see Dave! He waited patiently.
 Joli, not so much...

 We all had some ice cream, which Markus mostly got all over himself. Then he wanted a hot dog.
 Joli wanted to play in the waves and Dave was happy to go with her. Markus doesn't really like the waves, but he wanted to be near them.
 So we took his hot dog down near the waves.

 Patty got a cup for some water, which Markus thought was great for sand! So they made sand castles.

 We all had so much fun, and the kids were wiped out afterward!

It was a nice day, even though I wish I would have used a LOT more sunscreen!

1 comment:

Rowdy said...

love it when they wipe themselves out!