Thursday, May 9, 2013

Waiting for Joli

While Joli was in her theater class today, I convinced Markus to walk over to the zoo. There was a new crop of baby ducks that were so freaking cute!! Markus looked incredibly as well :)

 There was one lazy flamingo trying to catch a ride on another one :)

 Since we didn't have the stroller, Markus was excited to ride the Skyfari. It's one of his favorite things.

 On our way out we walked past the reptiles. Then I realized we were going to be late, so we high tailed it back!

 After dinner we were all hanging out together and Markus decided he wanted to be a super hero. But he couldn't decide which one...
I'm so irritated with myself. I meant to take a picture of Joli all day! She had her hair in pigtails, and wore a cute little rainbow colored flippy skirt, a pink shirt, and pink striped knee high socks with tennis shoes! I wish I would have got a picture of how adorable she looked! She got compliments all day!

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