Wednesday, December 25, 2013

The Twenty-Fourth Day of Christmas

After finishing dinner this evening, the kids opened their first Christmas gift!
 Joli knew what it was, but they were both super excited!
 They got dressed in their new Christmas jammies right away!

 Then we set out to see Christmas lights! Since it was 70 DEGREES OUT, we didn't need jackets.
 We went to a neighborhood north of here that all comes together and has three whole streets of almost every house having a display! They've been doing it since 1983 too! It's pretty awesome!

 Can you guess Markus' favorite? "Mommy, how day get Spider-Man on the da roof?"

 "Yook, yook! It Santa and Fwosty on da roof!"

 It took us about an hour, and was a great time! The kids napped on the way home, and were ready for their bedtime story once we got here.
 Then they put out the milk and cookies!
 I gave the cats a little early Christmas present after the kids went to bed. They've never had catnip toys before. They flipped!

 Then we gave the dogs their new collars! Their tags kept falling off, so we got embroidered collars this time!
 They both got a rawhide candy cane, and Brody was absolutely loving it!
 Then Santa came!!
 Can't wait for tomorrow morning!!

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