Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Closet Escape

Well I've added a new addition to Joli's room. I'm trying to go with the woodland faery theme in her room and Laume gave me the idea to put some curtains on her closet. So while we were at JoAnns last weekend I found this sheer fabric that had a green tint and gold swirls. It was almost too thin so I also found a sheer brown fabric that I put behind it. Now it's still sheer but it hides the stuff in the closet. It's also light enough that Joli can just barely push on it and still go inside.

I think I might find some kind of ties to pull it to the side though just so she doesn't have to deal with it all that much. I just have it pinch between clothes baskets in this picture.

1 comment:

Laume said...

What pretty fabric! tie backs are a good idea. To make them safe, since she will play in her room alone, you might make them with velcro so they'd come apart if she gets hung up on them in any way.