Monday, February 25, 2008


Part of my attempt to help Joli deal with Joe being gone has led me to something called a "Daddy Doll". It's obviously something that was started by a mom trying to help her child deal. Although they are cute, I don't think it's worth the price that is being charged for them. So I decided to go down to Joann's and get some printable fabric and make Joli a pillow. So I printed out a picture of Joe that Joli really likes and made a pillow.

She was a little amazed that she can hug the picture!

Here I am with my husband!
Then Joli carried it around for awhile.
She's finally got her daddy (sort of).

1 comment:

Laume said...

Cute! And she knows that's her daddy because she's so used to seeing him in sunglasses, right?