Monday, February 25, 2008

Family Art

When we went to Ikea yesterday I found some unfinished pictures frames for way cheap. So I decided I would paint them and make a kind of artsy collage out of them. While I was painting I also set Joli up to do some finger paint and I gave her her own frame to paint as well. She loved it!!

It took her a few times, but she finally understood that paint doesn't taste good. It does, however make a very nice hair color.

After I got her all cleaned up, she spent a good hour playing with all my paint brushes, and taking them in and out of the tin they are in.

This is what I started out with. The square one is actually a mirror. I thought it would go good as the center of the collage.
This way Joli's painting once she was finally finished.
And this was her picture frame.
This is what the frames looked like after I got them all primered.
Then I painted them all the appropriate colors and put them on the wall! I plan on adding pictures to top it off, but this what I have so far.

1 comment:

Laume said...

J'aime le cadre d'image de Joli. C'est très beau!