Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Jess and Cole Have Arrived!

We picked up Jessica and Cole at the airport yesterday and we've been having a blast ever since. Joli was all dressed up for her Auntie Jess.
Joli is all about loving the babies and Baby Cole is no exception.
Cole wasn't quite as sure about Joli as she was about him.
Joli didn't quite understand why Cole didn't keep his binky in his mouth. In her mind if mom gives you the binky you don't let it go!
I'm told this looks very natural me with two children, I'm not too sure about that.
Here's the little man showing off for the camera.
Look at how well Jess knows me! She bought me a sweatshirt for Christmas!!!
Here's the adorable smile of a very happy baby!
Joli will make such a good big sister... someday!!
Here's one little shot of Joli at swim lessons!

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