Here I am looking either like mother-hen or the babysitter, not sure which one. I put a blanket down for Cole to have a little tummy time while his mommy got herself ready. He's not a big fan and after he figured out I wasn't going to be turning him over he began flipping himself onto his back, which of course resulted in me flipping him back on his tummy. Eventually he decided he didn't like that game and I let him stay on his back. A few days early I had put him on his tummy and then laid on mine in front of him. He thought this was very cool and began scooting his legs up and pushing himself forward until after a few minutes he had made it all the way over to me! He should be walking and day now! He he! Well I guess that's what it will seem like to me anyway.
Joli decided that she wanted to be a baby too and put down her own blanket and got some baby toys. We were a little nervous that Joli wasn't going to let Cole actually take the toys that I had told Jess she had outgrown. Of course since I told Cole he could have them, Joli suddenly had a huge interest in them!
Joli's been such a stinker lately. Some kids get to a certain age and ask "why" to everything, and it just keeps going until you're sure that one of you will not make it out of this stage. Well Joli has come up with her own version of "why", it is called "what happened".
Joli comes into the kitchen, "What happened mommy?".
Me, "I got out the bread to make you some toast."
Joli, "What happened mommy?"
Me, "I got out a knife to put butter on it."
Joli, "What happened mommy?"
Me, "I put it on a plate."
Joli, "What happened mommy?"
Me, "I put it on the table so you could eat it."
Joli, "What happened mommy?"
Joli, "What happened mommy?"
Me, "Mommy and Daddy had sex and then I got you!"
Joli... silent.
She's also become very creative in the little stories she makes up. Today she tripped and hit her fingers on the end table and then started to whine while showing her Grammi. Grammi asked if she was okay and Joli said "A monster broke a fingers", very seriously as though we hadn't just seen her trip and hit them. What an imagination she has begun creating.
She does look incredibly cute though. Her little pink pjs on her little pink blanket. You wouldn't be able to tell it now but it took me quite a long time to be okay with putting pink on her. I absolutely hate the idea that because she's a girl it's assumed that she should be wearing pink. Now she is old enough and has so many clothes that it doesn't bother me that much, and also she just pulls it off so well!

1 comment:
Got to admit, that's one cute little girl. ;D
Okay, I don't know if this is the right place or not, if it isn't then please forgive me.
I would like to shamelessly, and openly advertise a new creative blog for people of imagination that I'm starting. It's called Creagination. Come by, take a look, and tell me what you think.
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