Friday, July 3, 2009

A Barbeque Followed by a Barbeque

While Kacie was pregnant we went to the fabric store and she found a group of matching fabrics that she just loved. She said "If I have a girl will you make me a quilt out of these?" and of course I said yes. About a week later Charlotte came into our lives and it only took a few days for Kacie to exlaim "Now you can make her quilt!". A month or so later we looked over the fabrics and Kacie ordered the ones she wanted, and after about two months of work I finally finished Charlotte's quilt! And today I got to give it to her!
This afternoon we went over to a friend's house for a barbeque and they have a little girl a little younger than Joli. Since we arrived during naptime Joli had to play by herself for awhile, but Isabella has lots of toys and a little kiddie pool like Joli's. At one point I saw Joli running toward the pool with a stuffed Tigger and began screaming "No, not in the pool". Apparently Tigger had not been the first victim.
More of our friend's showed up after us. Here is Robyn and Little Bear.
Joli took a few swim breaks only because she can't resist barbequed hot dogs!
I was sitting in the yard talking and looked up to this. (Notice me in the reflection?)
There was a ping-pong table set up inside the house and Robyn was sweet enough to show Joli how to hit a ping-pong ball. She was also very brave!
After a few hours we headed back home to pick up Brody and then go over to Chris and Kacie's. Charlotte was asleep when we got there but had been asleep for four and half hours! She was in a very good mood when she woke up!
Joli has started wanting to be part of pictures again. Here's in the "take my picture too" picture.
I didn't really think to bring Joli warmer clothes but I had brought a basket of laundry to fold that just happened to have warm jammies in it. It's July right?
Brody was thrilled to be out of his crate and even more excited to wrestle with his daddy!
A brief moment of love from my energetic little girl.
She's only a little bit of a show off...
Chris and Kacie made a delicious kabob dinner that we originally had at Abby's house! So yummy! Once all the food was off the sticks there was really only one thing to do...
We all need to stop drinking together! Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Incredible quilt. It looks awesome!!!!Lucky Charlotte...

You clever girl!!!!!
