Wednesday, July 8, 2009

A New Baby!

Yesterday I realized that Joli is totally in a baby doll phase and that I have a whole "big girl" box in the closet that has baby dolls in it. So I got my newborn waterbaby from when I was a kid and Joli LOVES it!!
It's the perfect size for her little arms! Now she goes everywhere with us!
The only problem is that she more than fifeteen years old so sometimes a little water comes out of her neck. I suppose you can't expect plastic to hold water forever. Joli also loves to watch her baby's eyes close when she lays her down.
We've been trying to go on a walk at least 2-3 times a week, but unlike most dogs, Brody thinks it's torture. Here he is at the end of one of our walks. "Please let me go inside mom."
We're fairly certain that there's some kind of Freaky Friday thing going on in our house as Zeus seems to think he is a dog and likes to play with the dog toys and Brody thinks he is a cat and can squeeze into tight places...
Off to yell at a dog/cat/kid.

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