Thursday, July 9, 2009

A Beautiful Summers Past Playdate

Today our playdate was held at one of our favorite places in San Diego, Summers Past Farms! It's so beautiful out there right now with all the flowers in bloom and the gardens just overflowing with different herbs. The kids love this little playhouse in the back of the store.
It's so cute and tiny. Joli and Ryan were pretending to be at school. I don't think Joli realized there were spiderwebs on this window until she stuck her head out of it!
The best part is the door.
It only swings one way and there are two parts so they spent quite a bit of time going in and out and examining the door.
Before too long more of our friends showed up. We had snacks and iced tea on the patio and the kids checked out the local wildlife.Then they decided it was time to check things out.
The sunflowers were so beautiful today as well. Kacie has some beautiful pictures of her and Charlotte in front of them.
Jack just loves the little girls. He spent most of his time running after them through the garden.
Joli and Autumn are only a few months apart and they just love playing together. They were so adorable running through the garden with their little dresses and heads full of curls!
Joli came home covered in dirt but all the kids had such a wonderful time running through the gardens.
This picture was such and interesting shot. I love how the only part that's focused is Joli's head.
I kept trying to catch a shot of Autumn relaxing on this bench but as soon as I'd point the camera at her she would pop right up!
I see many giggles in my future! The little girl in the pink hat is also named Charlotte and when I told Joli that she insisted "that's NOT Charlotte". I had to explain that they were both named Charlotte. So she called them "big girl Charlotte" and "baby Charlotte".
Autumn gets the award for most beautiful photo oppotunities of the day! Girls are so pretty!
We had such a wonderful time and can't wait to do it again!

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