Thursday, July 2, 2009

Veteran's Museum and the Playground

Today our playdate took us to the Veteran's Memorial Center Museum! It wasn't too big but there were some pretty neat things to see and some beautiful paintings!
Here's is another of the many murals that were covering any empty walls!
I think the museum may have been a church at one point because there were also many beautiful stained glass windows!
Here is Joli outside. She is in love with airplanes right now!
We made it over to the park and all the kids enjoyed it!
I thought this big tire was so cool, Joli just went right through it!
Syrus, Lilly and Abby joined us for the park and the Joli somehow got her hands on my mom's chapstick which she and Surys both LOVED!
Joli loves hanging out with her GG.
Charlotte was little fussy when we got to the playground by I held her on the swing and she went right to sleep and then slept on my chest the rest of the time! Right before we were ready to go she woke and was a happy smiley girl once again!
Abby had brought some snacks for Syrus but Joli just can't pass up food! They were nice and shared together most of the time.
Now this last picture is an example of what mommies do when they desperately need to go to the bathroom but have to entertain their child to keep them in the stall.
After I took several picture of her she decided to take some of me... on the toilet! I will NOT be putting those up!

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